Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An Experience of a Lifetime

 My year serving with the Minnesota Reading Corps has provided me with so many benefits that I could not have foreseen before I began this journey:

 I have gained a growing knowledge base in reading strategies from the wealth of information provided daily by my internal coach and reading specialist.

I have learned so many discipline strategies I never would have thought of; practical application is so much different than reading about them in class!

My heart has grown ten times larger! I was able to form wonderful one-on-one relationships with amazing children who have taught me so much.

 I was given the ability to pass on my love of reading; to see the growth these students have made since the beginning of the year is almost incomprehensible. What is even better is that so many have gone on to find books that they enjoy and are going out of their way to share them with me! I of course wanted to help these students get to be better readers, but more importantly, I wanted them to learn to ENJOY reading!

 The ability to meet so many diverse, yet like-minded people has been such an added bonus. I have formed so many friendships through Reading Corps that I know will last a lifetime.

 I was expecting this would be a big year for me; I was not expecting how much of an impact it would truly have in my life. This year has clarified my thoughts on the future. Before, I was sure I wanted to go into education and I was sure that I wanted to work with kids. Now, I am absolutely certain that I want to do this and that I can do this…..and also that I need to do this. There are so many students out there who need someone on their side; someone who can find their individual uniqueness and draw that out of them to help them succeed.

As the end of my year as a literacy tutor is quickly approaching, my students have begun to ask if they will get to read with me next year. With a sad heart, I tell them that no, I will not be back next year, but that another great person will take my place. Someone else who is ready to be the difference in dozens of children’s lives, willing to provide essential reading skills while remaining a bright spot in many of their days. Please take the time to consider a truly rewarding year of service with the Minnesota Reading Corps. You will change so many lives, and in the process, you will forever change your own.

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