Friday, July 26, 2013

The Joys of Summer....?

Ahhh....the glorious days of summer.

Lazy days lounging in the sun, catching up on my reading, watching the kids dash through the sprinkler, listening to the joyous sounds of their laughter.

ERRR.....(screeching brakes)....REALITY!!

This happens every year--and each year I swear will be different.

We begin the summer with high hopes and boundless energy, with lists of things we will do "for sure" and plans to never waste a moment.

The month of June is always great--it truly is. The weather is warm and sunny, and the nights get cool enough to enjoy sitting outside. We still have the ambition to actually get out and do much of what we want. The 4th of July is always a fun time; this year we even braved sitting on the roof with all three kids, where we had a gorgeous clear shot of the downtown fireworks.

Then, somehow, almost as if on cue, the heat becomes almost intolerable to do anything but stay indoors. Finally, around 7:00, it cools off enough to head outside to once again feel like it's summer...for about a half hour. Because as soon as the sun starts to sink, the mosquitoes rise out from wherever they hide, and attack. If you want to stay out and "enjoy" the evening, copious amounts of gag-inducing bug spray must be applied.

After days indoors, that joyful laughter turns to sibling bickering; whining over who gets what and fighting over who did what, and ultimately crying over who hit what. As for my reading, the only reason I've managed to tackle the books I have is because I've resorted to staying awake until 2 a.m. to ensure that if none of my other summer dreams come true, I at least have made a dent in my bookshelf!

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