Monday, October 31, 2011

An Unhealthy Adoration of a Product

My original intention was to sing the praises of dry shampoo; an amazing product that must have been developed with new mothers in mind. It sure cuts down on the bad “mom ponytails” I’m so often guilty of sporting. I can take my dirty head of hair, spray in some dry shampoo, and look put-together in mere minutes without the hassle of getting baby into a deep sleep or getting older children distracted enough so they let said baby sleep.
Dry shampoo really is a remarkable life-saver I only wish I would have discovered when my other two munchkins were babies. However, with time, a downfall has surfaced alongside its many wonders. It works great on day-old hair. I’ve even had success with days two and three; yet, after this it seems that dry shampoo can no longer disguise the fact that my head nor the rest of my body has felt a shower of anything besides bodily fluids for an extended period of time. In fact, I think dry shampoo, along with my already fatigued memory, is causing me to lose track of just how long I’ve actually gone without a shower.
It’s hard enough to find time to bathe, let alone find the energy to do so. The last thing I want to do when time suddenly opens up is exert the effort it takes to wash myself; I’d much rather crawl into bed and dream about the day when showering will be easy again, then wake up, spray down my hair and be on my way.
Because of this, dear dry shampoo; it is with sadness that I must put you away. You have been a wonderful help, but it seems that you have become an enabler. I must set you aside now because you are only helping me deceive myself. It is time for me to shed my denial and go back to proper hair-washing techniques. Someday when I can exert more self-control, I will take you out again; but until then, I need to step out from under this fog of powder and once again embrace real shampoo.

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